APSC Mains GS2 Syllabus - Paper II
The most comprehensive and detailed analysis of the APSC Mains GS-2 syllabus has been done by the Lucent IAS faculties for the benefit of the APSC aspirants. We have presented a complete list of topics using books, magazines, newspaper sources. Using this reference, any aspirant can quickly know what to read for APSC Mains exam, how to plan APSC preparation. The aspirant can also analyze which specific GS2 topics are his/her strengths or weakness and focus accordingly to prepare them without wastage of valuable preparation time. You may reach out to us for any support or guidance you need.
Table of Contents

APSC Mains GS2 Syllabus Summary
Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations
- Indian Constitution- historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions and basic structure.
- Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, issues and challenges pertaining to the federal structure, devolution of powers and finances up to local levels and challenges therein.
- Separation of powers between various organs dispute redressal mechanisms and institutions.
- Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of other countries Parliament and State Legislatures – structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues arising out of these.
- Structure, organization and functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary Ministries and Departments of the Government; pressure groups and formal/informal associations and their role in the Polity.
- Salient features of the Representation of People’s Act.
- Appointment to various Constitutional posts, powers, functions and responsibilities of various Constitutional Bodies.
- Statutory, regulatory and various quasi-judicial bodies Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.
- Development processes and the development industry- the role of NGOs, SHGs, various groups and associations, donors, charities, institutional and other stakeholders.
- Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes; mechanisms, laws, institutions and Bodies constituted for the protection and betterment of these vulnerable sections.
- Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources.
- Issues relating to poverty and hunger.
- Important aspects of governance, transparency and accountability, e-governance- applications, models, successes, limitations, and potential; citizens charters, transparency & accountability and institutional and other measures.
- Role of civil services in a democracy.
- India and its neighborhood- relations. Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests, Indian diaspora.
- Important International institutions, agencies and fora- their structure, mandate
APSC Mains GS1: Topic List
Indian Constitution
1.Historical evolution and features
- Importance of Constitution
- Historical evolution of the Constitution
- Constituent Assembly
- Objectives of the Constitution
- Salient features of Indian Constitution
- Unitary features
- Federal features
- Parliamentary form of government
- Presidential form of government
- Parliamentary vs. Presidential system of government
- Basic features
- Terminologies
- Democratic
- Sovereign
- Socialist
- Secular
- Republic
- Justice
- Equality
- Liberty
- Fraternity
- Integrity
- Basic constitutional features
- Methodology of getting citizenship
- Modes of Losing the Citizenship of India
- Concept of dual citizenship
- Citizenship provisions in J&K
- Special privileges enjoyed by citizens in India
4. Fundamental Rights
- Significance of Fundamental Rights
- Right to Equality
- Right to Freedom
- Right against Exploitation
- Right to Freedom of Religion
- Cultural and Educational Rights
- Right to Constitutional Remedies
- Difference between procedure established by law and due process of law
- Writs and their uses
- Restrictive limitations on fundamental rights
- Basic features
- Directives
- Economic and Social DPSP’
- Gandhian DPSP
- Administrative DPSP
- DPSP related to International Peace
- Implementation of DPSP
- Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy
- Controversy
6. Fundamental Duties
- Features
- 42nd amendment act
- Swaran Singh Committee
- Duties enshrined in Constitution
7. System of Governments
- Parliamentary system
- Merits demerits
- Reasons for adoption
- Parliamentary system
- Federal system
- Merits demerits
- Reasons for adoptions
- Centre state relation
- Administrative
- Financial
- Legislative
- Issues
- Inter state relation
- Water disputes
- Interstate council
- Trade and commerce
- Zonal council
- Emergency provisions
- National emergency
- President’s rule
- Financial emergency
- Issues
8. Central Government
- President
- Vice president
- Prime Minister
- Council of Ministers
- Cabinet committee
- Parliament
- Parliamentary committee and groups
- Supreme court
- Judicial activism
- Judicial review
9. State Government
- Governor
- Chief Minister
- State council of minister
- State legislature
- High court
- Subordinate curt
- Status of Jammu and Kashmir
- Special category of states
10. Local Government
- Panchayati Raj system
- 73rd constitutional amendment
- PESA act
- Issues
- Municipality
- 74th amendment
- Urban governments
- Issues
11. Union territories and special areas
- Union Territories
- Scheduled and tribal areas
12. Constitutional bodies
- Election commission
- Finance commission
- National commission for ST
- National commission for SC
- National commission for OBC
- Special officer for linguistic minority
- Attorney General of India
- Advocate General of the state
13. Non Constitutional Bodies
- NITI Aayog
- National Human Rights Commission
- State Human Rights Commission
- Central information Commission
- State Information Commission
- Central Vigilance commission
- Lokpal and Lokayukta
14. Other constitutional dimensions
- Cooperative societies
- Official language
- Public services
- Tribunals
- Others
15. Political dynamics
- Political parties
- Election
- Voting behavior
- Representation of peoples act 1951
- Representation of peoples act 1952
- Delimitation commission
- Anti defection law
- Electoral reforms
- Pressure group
16. Issues and challenges to federal structure
- Misuse of Article 356
- Issues related to concurrent list
- Issues related to appointment of Governor
- Issues related to state formation
- Poor devolution of finances
- Reserving bill for Presidential approval
- Central sponsored schemes and issues
- Special package for different states
- Issues between Centre and State after 1990 reforms
- Foreign policy and Centre and State Relation
17. Statutory Regulatory and Quasi-judicial bodies
- Planning Commission
- Zonal Council
- National Human Rights Commission
- State Human Rights Commission
- Central Information Commission
- State Information Commission
- National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
- Tribunal
- Medical Council Of India
- Pension Fund Regulatory And Development Authority
- Biodiversity Authority Of India
- Press Council Of India
- Forward Markets Commission
- Inland Waterways Authority Of India
- Definition
- Good governance
- Corporate governance
- Important aspects of governance
2. Development industry and processes
- Definition
- Act
- Importance
- Basics
- Acts
- Importance
- Community development
- Other stakeholders
3. Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections
- Women
- SC
- ST
- Minorities
- Divyang
- Senior Citizens
- Children
4. Transparency and Accountability
- Anti corruption
- Whistle-blower
- Ombudsman
- Social audit
- Role of citizens
- Role of media
- Others
5. E-governance
- Application
- Government to citizen
- Government to government
- Government to business
- Citizen to government
- Passport Seva
- Others
- Limitations
- Success and potential
6. Citizen charter
- Salient feature
- How to develop citizen charter
- Importance
- Institutional structure development
7. Role of Civil Services in Democracy
- Basics
- Facilitative services
- Welfare services
- Development functions
- Conflicts in civil services in democracy
- 2nd ARC report
- Other recommendations
- Reforms in civil services
8. Education
- Education statistics
- ASER report
- National Achievement survey
- Pratham NGO
- Primary
- Secondary
- Higher education
- Teacher Education
- Schemes
- Right to Education
9. Health
- Statistics
- Mother and child health
- Universal Health coverage
- National Health Mission
- Urban
- Rural
- Hidden Hunger
- Ayush
- Ayushman Bharat
10. Human Resources
- Development of HR
- Skill training
- Government initiatives
- Health
- Education
- Skill
International Relation
1. India and the Neighbours
- Bangladesh
- Border issue
- Water disputes
- Extremist
- ULFA and other issues
- Illegal Migrants
- China
- Boundary disputes
- Eastern side – Arunachal\Western side
- Indo Bhutan China tri-junction
- Doklam issue
- Dam in Brahmaputra river
- Trade disputes
- String of pearls
- South China dispute
- Pakistan
- Cross border terrorism
- Indus water disputes
- Kashmir issue
- Other issues
- Sri Lanka
- Kachchaveethu dispute
- Fishing zone dispute
- Other issues
- Myanmar
- Militancy issues
- Kaladan project
- Other issues
- Bhutan
- Hydro projects
- Others
- Afghanistan
- India’s development projects
- Hydropower
- Strategic factor
- Others
- Importance
- Relevance now
- SAARC satellite
- Importance
- Replacement of SAARC
- Mekong Ganga initiative
2. India and ASEAN nations
- ASEAN countries
- INDO-ASEAN relations
- Look East Policy
- ACT EAST Polices
- Issues related to RCEP
- Importance of ASEAN
- East Asia Summit
3. India and Central Asian countries
- Recent initiatives
- Kazakhstan and Uranium deal
- Other nations
- International North South Corridor
- Shanghai Cooperation Organization
4.India and West Asia
- Israel
- Iran
- Gulf nations
5. India and other Asian nations
- Japan
- Russia
- South Korea
6. India and Australia relation
- Uranium deal
7. India and Europe
- UK
- France
- Others
8. India and USA
- History
- Recent developments
- Pharma issues
- Trade issues
9. India Africa relation
- Recent developments
10. India and International Organization
- World Bank and IMF
- Nuclear Security group
- Others