APSC Mains GS1 Syllabus - Paper II
The most comprehensive and detailed analysis of the APSC Mains GS1 Syllabus has been done by the Lucent IAS faculties for the benefit of the APSC aspirants. We have presented a complete list of topics using books, magazines, newspaper sources. Using this reference, any aspirant can quickly know what to read for APSC Mains exam, how to plan APSC preparation. The aspirant can also analyze which specific GS1 topics are his/her strengths or weakness and focus accordingly to prepare them without wastage of valuable preparation time. You may reach out to us for any support or guidance you need.

APSC Mains GS1 Syllabus Summary
Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society.
- Indian culture will cover the salient aspects of Art Forms, Literature and Architecture from ancient to modern times
- Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present significant events, personalities, issues
- The Freedom Struggle – its various stages and important contributors /contributions from different parts of the country
- Post-independence consolidation and reorganization within the country
- The history of the world will include events from the 18th century such as the industrial revolution, world wars, redrawing of national boundaries, colonization, decolonization, political philosophies like communism, capitalism, socialism etc.- their forms and effect on the society
- Salient features of Indian Society, Diversity of India. Role of women and women’s organization, population and associated issues, poverty and developmental issues, urbanization, their problems and their remedies. Effects of globalization on Indian society Social empowerment,
communalism, regionalism & secularism - Salient features of the world’s physical geography
- Distribution of key natural resources across the world (including South Asia and the Indian subcontinent); factors responsible for the location of the primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world (including India) Important Geophysical phenomena such as earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activity, cyclones etc., geographical features and their location- changes in critical geographical features (including water-bodies and ice-caps) and in flora and fauna and the effects of such changes are also covered by APSC Mains GS1 paper.
APSC Mains GS1 Topic List
Indian Culture
1. Architecture
- Harappa
- Pottery Culture
- Maurya and Ashoka
- Buddhist architecture
- Jain Architecture
- Gandhara Mathura and Amaravati School
- Gupta Temple- Nagara Dravida Vesara style
- Post Gupta
- Pallava
- Chola
- Chalukya
- Medieval school-
- Sultanate
- Regional kingdom
- Mughal
- Vijaynagara
2. Sculpture
- Harappa
- Maurya
- Gupta
- Post Gupta
- Pala
- Chola
- Pallava
3. Paintings
- Prehistoric rock painting
- Cave paintings- Ajanta, Elora, Bagh, Leepakshi, Sittanavasal, others
- Mural paintings
- Miniature painting
- Mughal school
- EASTERN INDIA- Pala school
- Rajasthani painting – Malwa, Mewar, Bundi, Kisangarh, Marwar, Bikaner
- Pahari Painting – Basoli, Kangra, Guler, Kallu,
- Folk Painting- Madhubani, Warli, Pattachitra, Kalighat, kalamkari, Kalamezhuthu, Thangka, Manjusa, Phad, Mithila
4. Dance
- Classical dances
- Folk dances
- Mudras
5. Puppet
- String
- Rod
- Shadow
- Glove
6. Music
- Dhrupad
- Ragas
- Hindustani
- Carnatic
- Others
7. Literature
- Ancient
- Medieval
- Modern
8. Indian Philosophy
- Astik- Mimansa, Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Purva Mimansa, Vedanta
- Nastik- Budhism, Jainism, Chrvaka
- Budhism – types , characterestics
- Jainism – Types , Characterestics
- Sikhism – Sikh gurus, Holy Places
- Bhirashaiva, Alvar and Nayanar
- Vedanta schools- Advaita, Visistaadvaita, Dvaita, Dvaitadvaita, Shudh Advaita, Achintya Veda Aveda
9. Bhakti- Sufi Movements
- Shankara
- Ramanuja
- Madhava
- Basava
- Ramananda
- Kabir
- Guru Nanak
- Dadu dayal
- Sri Chaitanya
- Shankardeva
- Surdas
- Mirabai
- Eknath
- Jnaneswar
- Tukaram
- Haridas
- Sufi Silsilas
- Chisti
- Shurawardi
- Nasqbandi
- Qadri
10. Tribes and Festivals
Ancient and Medieval India
- Indus Valley Civilization
- Early mature and later Harappa
- Culture
- Trade
- Social and political life
- Economy
- Vedic – Early and Later Vedic
- Vedic Kings
- Society
- Women
- Assemblies
- Economy
- Rituals and sacrifices
- Class Kinship Varna Castes
- Religious Movements
- Why the movements
- Spread of the movements
- Why declined
- Mahajanapadas
- 16 mahajanapadas
- Why Magadha became powerful
- Haryanka , Shisunaga, Nanda Dynasty
- Maurya
- Chandragupta Maurya
- Bindusara
- Ashoka
- Administration – village, cities, districts provinces
- Army administration
- Espionage
- Taxation and Revenue Administration
- Mauryan Art
- Decline
- Post-Maurya
- Shungas
- Indo Greeks
- Shaka
- Kushana
- Satavahana
- South India – Chola Chera Pandya
- Crafts and Guilds
- Trades
- Gupta
- Establishment of empires
- Chandragupta
- Samudragupta
- Chandragupta II
- Kumaragupta
- Skandagupta
- Administration
- Society
- Religion
- Coinage and Economy
- Literature and Arts
- Science and Technology
- Decline of Guptas
- Pushyabhutis
- Harshavardhana
- Xuanzang
- Southern India
- Pulekshin Chalukya of Badami
- Chalukya of Kalyani/western
- Chalukya of Vengi/Eastern
- Pallava
- Mahendravarman
- Narashimhavarman
11. Pandya of Madurai
12. Gujjara Pratihara
13. Palas of Bengals
14. Rashtrakuta
- Dantidurga
- Krishna
15. Chola Dynasty
- Rajaraja
- Rajendra
- Village administration
16. The Rajputs
- Chahamana/Chauhans
- Chandlla of Bundelkhand
- Paramaras of Malwa
- Solanki Rajput
17. Arab Conquest of Sindh
18. The age of conflict
- Mahmud of Ghazni
- Muhammad Ghori
19. Delhi Sultanate
- Slave dynasty
- Qutub Uddin Aibak
- Aramshah
- Iltutmish
- Sultana Razia
- Balban
- Khalji Dynasty
- Jalauddin Khalji
- Alauddin Khalji
- Market reform
- Administration
- Tughlaq Dynasty
- Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
- Md bin Tughlaq
- Saiyyad dynasty
- Lodhi Dynasty
- Bahlol Lodhi
- Sikender lodhi
- Ibrahim Lodhi
20. Vijaynagar kingdom
- Sangama Dynesty
- Harihara and Bukka
- Tuluvas Dynasty
- Vira Narashimha Rayya
- Krishna Deva Raya
- Administration
- Economy
- Culture
- Army
21. Bahmani Kingdom
- Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah
- Mahmud Gawan
- Administration
22. Western India
- Malwa
- Gujrat
- Mewar
- Rana Sangha
21. Eastern India
- Assam and The Ahoms
- Bengal and Ilyas shah
- Orissa and Bhoi dynasty
22. Afgan and Sur dynasty
- Sher Shah Suri
- Administration
23. Mughal Empire
- Babur
- Humayun
- Akbar
- Jahangir
- Shahjahan
- Auranzeb
- Administration
- Army
- Economy
- Religion
26. Nadir Shah invasion
27. Ahmad Shah Abdali
28. Marathas
- Shivaji Raje Bhonsle
- Sambhaji
- Rajaram
- Shahu
- Rajaram II
- Office of Peshwa 1640
- Baji Rao 1
- Balaji Baji Rao 1/Nana Sahib 1
- Madhav Rao
- Raghunath Rao
- Narayan Rao
- Sawai Madhav rao
- Baji Rao 2
- Maratha confederacy
- Gaikwads of Boroda
- Holkars of Indore
- Scindias of Gwalior
- Bhonsles of Nagpur
- Shivaji administration
- Army
- Revenue
29. Southern states
- Travancore
- Mysore
Modern India
1. India before European Penetration
- The decline of the Mughal Empire
- Rise of Regional States – Bengal, Awadh, Hyderabad, Mysore, Sikh
- Rise and Fall of Marathas
- Socio-Economic Condition
- Cultural life
2. Beginning of European Penetration
- Portuguese
- Dutch
- English
- French
- Danish
3. British Empire
- Expansion 1756-1818
- Consolidation 1818-1857
- Era of Mercantilism– 1756-1813
- Industrial Capital – 1813- 1858
- Finance Capital – 1858-1947
- Structure of Rule
- Dual Govt
- 1765-1857
- 1857-1947
- Economic Policy
- Commercial policy initial phase
- Battle of Plassey and its effect
- Land revenue policy
- Drain of wealth
- Development by means of transport
- Administrative policy
- Civil service
- Press
- Army
- Education
- Police
- Judiciary
- Socio-Cultural Policy
- Modern thoughts
- Conservatives
- Education
- Cultural reform
- Socio-Cultural Policy
4. Socio-Religious reform in India
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- Reforms in 19th century
- Dayananda Saraswathi
- Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
- Aligarh Movement
- Education and Women
- Caste system/ untouchability
- Theosophical Society
5. Revolt of 1857
- Reasons
- Participation
- Spread
- Response
- Impact
- Why failed
- Analysis of historians
6. British Policies
- 1773, Pitts India
- 1793, 1813, 1833, 1853
- 1861 1892 1909 1919 1935 1947
- Local government and Panchayats
- Civil Services and others
- Carrot and stick
7. Economic Impact of British Rules
- Destruction of Traditional economies
- Impoverishments of peasantry
- Landlordism
- Agriculture
- Modern Industries
- New social class
- Poverty, Famine, Drain of Wealth
8. National Movements 1858- 1905
- Rise of Nationalism- causes
- Indian National Congress
- Policy of Moderates
- Constitutional Agitation
- Evaluation
9. National Movement (1905-1918)
- Rise of Militant Nationalism
- Differences with moderates
- Swadeshi Movement
- Surat Split
- Muslim League
- Morley Minto reform
- Ghadar Movement
- WW1 and Indian movement
- Home Rule League
- Lucknow session
10. National Movement (1918-1935)
- Gandhi in Africa
- Arrival of Gandhi
- Impact of Russian Revolution
- Montagu Chelmsford
- Rowlatt Act
- Khilafat
- Non-Corporation Movement
- Chauri Chaura
- Swarajist
- Socialism within congress
- Peasant Tribal and workers agitation
- Revolutionary terrorism
- Simon Commission
- Nehru Report
- Poorna Swaraj
- Dandi March and Civil Disobedience
- Round Table Conferences
- Communal awards
- Poona Pact
11. National Movement (1935-1947)
- Govt of India Act
- Formation of Ministries
- Shubhash Chandra bose
- August Offer 1940
- Individual Satyagraha
- Crips Mission
- Quit India Movement
- Wavell Plan 1945 elections
- Rin Mutiny
- Cabinet Mission
- Partition and Independence act 1947
- Why partition
12. Peasant Movements
- Sanyasi rebellion
- Paika Rebellion
- Velu Thampi Movement
- Ramosi Movement
- Fairazi Movement
- Wahabi Movement
- Pagal Panthi Movement
- Kuka movement
- Indigo revolt
- Pabna movement
- Deccan riots
- Eka movement
- Mopilla rebellion
- Bardoli satyagraha
- All Indian kisan congress
- Tebhaga movement
- Baksht land movement
- Others
13. Tribal Movements
- Chuar uprising
- Bhill uprising
- Kolis
- Khasis
- Singphos
- Kols
- Khonds
- Santhal
- Munda
- Others
14. Important Personalities
- Gandhi, Nehru, Ambedkar and S C Bose
- M N Roy, S A Dange, P C Joshi
- J P Narayan, Acharya Narayan Dev
- L L Rai, B C Pal, Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- S Naidu, Annie Basant, Bikaji Cama
- Kamladevi Chattopadhyay
- Motilal Nehru, Chittaranjan Das
- Aurobindo Ghosh, Bagha Jatin
- Other Important Personalities
15. Working-Class Movements
- Factories act 1881
- Factories act 1891
- Bombay mills association
- Railways strike 1899
- Ahmedabad Textile Labour Association
- All India Trade Union Congress 1920
- Public safety ordinance 1929
- Trade Dispute act 1929
- Meerut conspiracy
- All India trade union federation 1931
16. Rise of Left-wing
- M N Roy and CPI, Tashkent 1920
- Satyabhakta Ghate CPI, INDIA 1924
- Congress labour party 1926
- 3 conspiracies- Peshawar conspiracy, Kanpur conspiracy, Meerut conspiracy
- Workers and Peasants party 1927
- Congress socialist party 1934
- Others
17. Revolutionaries
- Muzaffarpur conspiracy 1908
- Delhi conspiracy 1912
- Peshawar conspiracy 1922
- Kanpur case 1924
- Kakori robbery 1925
- Hindustan Republican Association
- Forward Bloc
18. Depressed class movements
- Nair movement
- Satyasadhok samaj
- Justice party movement
- Self-respect movement
- Mahar movement
- Congress Harijan Movement
19. Women’s Association
- Bharat Stree Mahamandal
- Arya Mahila samaj
- Bharatiya Mahila samaj
- Women’s india Association
- All India Women’s conference
- Personalitie
Physical Geography
1. General Geography
- Universe
- Solar system
- Star formation
- Evolutions of earth
- Geological Time Scale
2. Theories of the continents
- Continental Drift theory
- Convectional Current Theory
- Sea Floor Spreading
- Plate Tectonics
- Distribution of Ocean and Continents
3. Earth’s interior
- Sources of information
- Structure of the interior
- Crust mantle and core
- Different layers
- Discontinuities
4. Geology and Rock systems
- Minerals
- Major elements
- Classification of Rocks
- Igneous
- Sedimentary
- Metamorphic
- Rock cycle
- Soils and their types
5. Geomorphic Process
- Endogenic Processes
- Diastrophism
- Orogenic
- Epierogenic
- Earthquakes- Reasons, Distribution
- Earthquake waves
- Volcanoes – types, Distribution
- Mid oceanic ridges, pacific ring of fire
- Plate Movements
- Exogenic process
- Denudation
- Weathering and mass movements
- Erosion, transportation and deposition
6. Landforms
- Mountains Plateaus Plains
- Running water Landform and shapes
- Karst Topography
- Desert Landform
- Glacial Landform
- Rivers and Lakes
7. Climatology
- Atmosphere – Composition and Structure
- Temperature systems
- Factors of Temperature distribution
- Pressure systems
- Factors of Pressure distribution
- Solar Radiation and Heat budget
- Atmospheric circulation
- Pressure variation- vertical, horizontal
- Pressure belt systems
- Winds and factors affecting velocities
- Planetary wind system
- Permanent winds – trade wind or easterlies, westerlies and polar easterlies
- Local winds
- Land and Sea breezes
- Mountain and valley winds
- Water in atmosphere
- Humidity
- Relative humidity
- Saturation evaporation and condensation
- Dew
- Frost
- Fog and mist
- Clouds
- Precipitation
- Rain
- Snowfall
- Hailstones
- Sleets
- Types of rainfall
- Air Mass
- Air Fronts
- Cyclone
- Thunderstorms
- Tornadoes
- Geostrophic Jet Streams
- Climatic zones of the world
- Koeppen’s scheme
- World climate
8. Oceanography
- Hydrosphere
- Hydrological cycle
- Relief features of the oceans
- Temperature and salinity of oceans
- The density of ocean waters
- Movements in ocean waters
- Factors affecting movements
- Waves – motions and characteristics
- Tides and their different types
- Ocean currents
- Major ocean currents
- Warm and cold ocean currents
- Effects of ocean currents
- Coral reef
9. Biogeography
- Soil and characteristics
- Factors of soil formation
- Soil profiles
- Classification of soils
- Soil degradation
- Soil erosion
- Soil conservation
- Vegetation Resources
- Types of natural vegetation
- Forests
- Significance of forests
- Classification of forest
- Conservation
- Forest cover
- Grasslands
- Different types
- Desert vegetation
- Tundra vegetation
- Deforestation
- Afforestation
- Reforestation
- Social forestry
- Agro-forestry
- Farm forestry
- Community forests
10. Environmental issues
- Floods
- Draughts
- Forest fire
- Deforestation
- Urban heat island
- Pollution
- Climate change
Geography of India
1. Geology of India
- Proto Continents and Vindhya, Dharwad and Singhbhum plate collision
- Formation of Narmada, Son, Godavari
- Gondwanaland and India
- Formation of Deccan Lava Plateau
- Formation of Himalayas & Western Ghat
- Archean rocks
- Dharwad rocks
- Purana rock system
- Cuddapah rock
- Vindhyan Rock
- Dravidian rock systems
- Aryan Rock systems
- Gondwana rocks
- Deccan traps
- Himalayas
- Great Plains
- The rock systems and mineral distribution
2. Indian Physiography
- Location
- Geopolitical significance
- Geological divisions
- Peninsular block
- Himalayas and peninsular mountains
- The great plains
- Physiographic divisions
- The Himalayas
- Great plains
- Desert regions
- Peninsular plateau
- Islands
3. The Himalayas
- Three phases of formation
- Greater Himalaya
- Middle Himalaya
- Shivaliks
- Transhimalayas
- Eastern Himalayas
4. The Great plains
- Bhabar and Terai
- Bhangar and Khadar
- Punjab plain and Rajasthan plain
- Ganga Yamuna plain
- Brahmaputra plain
5. Desert regions
- Desert regions of India
6. Peninsular plateau
- Marwar
- Bundelkhand
- Chotanagpur
- Bastar and Dandakaranya
- Deccan plateau
- Maharashtra plateau
- Karnataka plateau
- Telangana/Rayalaseema plateau
7. Island regions
- Andaman Nicobar
- Lakshadweep
- Other islands
8. Drainage systems
- Drainage pattern
- The Great Indian water divide
- Himalayan drainage
- Ganga river system
- Indus river system
- Brahmaputra river system
- Peninsular system
- Godavari
- Narmada
- Tapi
- Krishna
- Cauvery
9. Climate
- Monsoon climate
- El nino and la nina
- Indian Ocean dipole
- Southeast monsoon
- North-East Monsoon
- Jetstreams and monsoon
- Cyclones
- Why mostly on the eastern coast
- Impact of jet streams
- Western disturbances
- Why in North India
- Impact of Jet Streams
10. Soils in India
- Distribution
- Impact on agriculture
11. Natural vegetation
- Different types
- Distribution
- Forest cover
- Forest Survey of India report
12. Others
- Mangrove forests
- Importance
- Distribution
- Conservation
- Coral reef in India
- Importance and conservation
- Hills in India
- Lakes in India
Economic and Human Geography
1. Basics of Economic Geography
- Type of Economic activities
- Primary
- Secondary
- Tertiary
- Type of Economic activities
- Digital divide
2. Resources
- Land resources
- Land use pattern
- Problems in land resources
- Land degradation
- Land degradation neutrality
- Land use planning
- Water resources
- The extent of water resources
- National water policy
- Problems
- Inter state water
- Ground water management
- Mineral resources
- Types
- Distribution
- Iron
- Manganese
- Copper
- Tin
- Ferrous and Non-Ferrous
- Major mineral belts in the world
- Mineral belts in India
- Problems related to mining
- National Mineral Policy 2019
- Energy Resources
- Classifications
- Distribution and production
- Coal
- Petroleum
- Natural gas
- Strategic oil reserves
- Coal bed methane
- Non-conventional Energy
- Solar energy
- Wind energy
- Geothermal
- Nuclear energy
- Thorium
- Nuclear plants
- Uranium
- Hydropower sector
- Energy security of India
3. Agriculture
- Basic concepts
- Cropping pattern
- Productivity
- Intensity
- Land capability
- Location of agriculture
- Salient features of Indian Agriculture
- Agriculture in GDP
- Farmers -small marginal etc
- Factors affecting agriculture
- Geographical factors
- Institutional factors
- Technological factors
- Major crops
- Rabi
- Kharif
- Zaid
- Plantation Agriculture
- Commercial crops farming
- Green revolution
- Agriculture policies
- Agricultural market produce committees
- Agriculture Export policies
- Schemes
- Soil Health card
- PM Krishi Sinchayee Yojana
- PM Fasal Bima Yojana
- PM Kisam Samman Nidhi
- PM Annadata Aay Sanskaran Yojana
- National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture
- Paramparagat Krishi Yojana
- Neem Coated Urea
- Operation Green
- Dairy Processing and infrastructure development Fund
- Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund
- National Agriculture Market
- Agricultural produce livestock act 2017
- National livestock mission
- National gokul mission
- National Program for Bovine Breeding and dairy development
4. Industry
- Classifications
- Various industries and locations
- Iron and steel
- Coal
- Textile
- Jute
- Automobile
- Fertilizer
- Agro-based
- Food processing
- Major industrial regions
- Industrial policies and development
- History
- New industrial policy
- Fourth industrial revolution
- Pharma industry
- Food processing
- Sugar Industry
- Tourism
- Others
5. Transport
- Land
- Classification
- Bharatmala
- National highway grid
- Industrial corridor
- Railway
- Importance
- Problems
- Dedicated freight corridor
- Diamond quadrilateral
- Waterway
- National Waterways
- Jal Vikas Marg project
- Shipping industries
- Important ports
- Sagarmala
- Airway
- Importance
- National Civil Aviation Policy
- Udan Scheme
- Problems in Airline Industries
- Communication
- Infrastructure
- National telecom Policy
6. Demography
- Concept of human resource
- Population issues
- Birth rate
- Death rate
- Fertility rate
- Growth rate
- Policies
- Demographic dividend
- Migration
- Types
- Issues
7. Settlements and urbanization
- Rural settlements
- Urban settlements
- Urbanization
- Issues arising from it
- Government policies
- Habitat 3 conference
- Schemes
- PM Awas Yojana (PMAY) or Housing for all
- Smart City initiative
- Amrut mission
- SPM Rurban Mission
- Hriday Scheme
8. Human development
- Growth vs development
- Human development index
- India and HDI
- World development report 2019
Indian Society
1.Salient features of Indian Society
- Social stratification
- Caste system
- Scheduled caste, untouchability and backward classes
- Family marriage kinship
- Gender issues
- Education and health
- Tribal society
- Population dynamics
- Social stratification
2. Diversity in India
- Indian culture and regional units
- Diversity and tolerance
- Food habits and social norms
- Regional issues
- Unity in diversity
4. Effects of globalization on Indian society
- Globalization and its effect
- Impact of globalization
- On women
- On aged people
- On younger population
- On family system
5. Communalism, Regionalism and secularism
- Definition
- Demand for separate state and development
- Indian secularism
- Communism and its impact
- Religion issues
5. Role of Women and Women’s organisation
- Women in the national movement
- Sex ratio
- Women in society
- National commission for women
6. Poverty and developmental issues
- Poverty definition and measures
- Poverty and population
- Poverty and hunger
- Schemes for eradication
7. Urbanization, problems and remedies
- Urbanization basics
- Smart city
- Social problems
- Rurban mission
8. Population and associated issues
- Migration
- Overpopulation
- Measures and population policy